Painful McSorebody

What a crappy picture. I look old. I remember back in my prime an older customer (tourist) at Candy Kitchens told me I looked like Sophia Loren. I thought it was an insult because Sofia was, like, 70. But now I think I look more like The Crypt Keeper. I don't have short hair, I keep it in a pony tail that you can't see... i swear.
Randomness for 11/16/2006:
I am in pain again only this time it was self-inflicted. Kenny made me work out with him. Lots of arms and back and of course sit-ups... the worst. I can barely lift my arm to drink my coffee. Maybe It will be better if it were Sake. God, I love sake. Room temperature. I dont like it heated. If I drink something warm it better have columbia beans, cream and sugar in it. FYI - best coffee ever - Dunkin Donuts!!!!
The rabbit isn't working out. Notice I said 'rabbit' not 'bunny'. It left that determination about 3 pounds ago. The thing eats a bucket of food every day. What was once a cute fluffy 'siamese kitten looking' bunny has turned into *Harvey the rabbit. That is one big bitch! Anybody want rabbit for thanksgiving? I think we'll take it back and get another kitten. Another $100 down the drain.
(*Elwood P. Dowd is a friendly, likeable drunk who has a best friend named Harvey, a six foot three and a half inch invisible white rabbit. starring Jimmie Stewart).
I am watching "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" really cute movie with Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer. definitely a renter. But cute.
TGIF. I never thought I would say that but I told Ken I wouldn't drink except for the weekends. He doesn't drink at all and I guess it can be embarrassing for him if you're at your 5 yr old son's soccer game and you're screaming for your son, but calling him by his brother's name. and saying 'yeah, baby!" when the other team gets a goal. I am trying to keep it minimal. but it's hard.
I miss Anna. I wish she could live here. probably becuase she entertained Logan and kept the brothers from killing each other! But what a cutie. Anna, You can live here anytime! (except after you turn 18, you're out the door. I don't need freeloaders). Unless of course, you can vacuum.
At 3:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ok, You can borrow her every year if you'd like, but I want her back. She reminds me of you!
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