Too Finicky For My Own Good

The first day of my self-depreciating life... that should be a song!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Here is the "I" test from (She wrote a great book, "Bitter is the New Black".. funny girl): Just cut and paste to your blog and fill in the answers. so we all know about you.

* * *
I'M AMAZED… that I am still alive. depression is not a pretty thing. thank goodness for Zoloft.

I DOUBT… that I will win the lotto.

I CAN’T SEE… what I will be doing 10 years from now. I hope the real estate market perks up soon!

I WANT TO BEAT WITH A SOCKFULL OF QUARTERS… people that abuse animals. actually I want to tie them and drag them by their balls on the bumper of my hummer.

I'M ADDICTED… to sake. Thats also not such a pretty thing sometimes.

I FEEL BAD… when I punish my children. No matter how evil they may seem, I fell horribly guilty when I yell at them.

I STAY HOME TO WATCH… Family Guy, Weeds, Bachelor (just to laugh my ass off at the pathetic women). Heroes. Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen

GUILTY PLEASURE (or something I am embarrassed to tell you I do): Watch Hannah Montana on Disney. Miley Cyrus is Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter. I am not into country music singin', mullet wearin' possum eatin' people, so who knew he could have such a talented pop star of a daughter. cute show, upcoming talent and only 13 years old.

I LISTEN… to NPR (National Public Radio). After years in the music business, I can hear a song in 10 seconds and decide if i like it or not. I still can't tell if it will be a hit (spin wise) because I actually have taste and 99.9 percent of America doesn't. So there is not a lot on the radio worth listening to right now. I can tolerate Beyonce, Puddle of Mudd, and guess what! Bjork's new album is coming and she has Timbaland on there! should be wild.

IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS… I would pay off all bills, but not the house. there is no reason to waste your cash when you can invest elsewhere. I would probably get a boat and fish for a 2 weeks in the Keys and Bahamas.

I WANT… money. nuff said.

I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT… My scritchy animals. those who know me, know what that means.

I'M OBSESSED… with Chick Lit. Humorus Literature written by females. Love all the classics : Nanny Diaries, Devil wears Prada, Bitter is the New Black, You'll never Nanny in this town again (true story!)

I FEAR… My kids will get seriously ill, I will be fat, I will be homeless, I won't get another paycheck...

I WISH… I could just be happy.

I ONCE ACCIDENTALLY… stuck my foot in my mouth. although it wasn't once.. it seems to be an ongoing problem!

I NEVER… want my kids to do drugs, or get sick, or be poor.

I’D KILL TO… have Nicole Ritchie's body. I know it's sad. but then I could eat what I wanted for about 5 years and then be up to a normal weight.

I MISS… My family in Baltimore. and fitting into my skinny jeans.

I'M LOATHE TO ADMIT… that I have A.D.D. I hate Kenny reminding me of stuff that I forgot to do during the day.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Here she is


She is precious... we arent sure what to name her... Here are the choices so far : 'Taffy' (Logans choice), 'Precious' (but you have to say it like Butters on South Park when he was guarding the porno tape like the monster in Lord Of The Rings. Tanners choice).

The cat likes her.. sort of. he doesn't eat her, so that's good enough.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New baby bunny

I got a baby bunny. She is sooo precious. We think we will name her 'Cookie'. But thats kinda gay.. I like something more regal... like 'Marshmellow'. My digital camera broke so I dont have a photo yet. Here's one of me. It is my best side. I don't care for the lipstick. Too purple.
Kenny loves my butt in this dress. (hahahaha)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hey y'all

Here are some photos of the Destin, FL area so you will all buy a house here and use me as your realtor:

Here is the pretty sand.

white as snow!

The water is so clear and beautiful.... why go to the bahamas?

You can see the Gulf and the Harbor are two different colors... so cool!