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I'M AMAZED… that I am still alive. depression is not a pretty thing. thank goodness for Zoloft.
I DOUBT… that I will win the lotto.
I CAN’T SEE… what I will be doing 10 years from now. I hope the real estate market perks up soon!
I WANT TO BEAT WITH A SOCKFULL OF QUARTERS… people that abuse animals. actually I want to tie them and drag them by their balls on the bumper of my hummer.
I'M ADDICTED… to sake. Thats also not such a pretty thing sometimes.
I FEEL BAD… when I punish my children. No matter how evil they may seem, I fell horribly guilty when I yell at them.
I STAY HOME TO WATCH… Family Guy, Weeds, Bachelor (just to laugh my ass off at the pathetic women). Heroes. Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen
GUILTY PLEASURE (or something I am embarrassed to tell you I do): Watch Hannah Montana on Disney. Miley Cyrus is Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter. I am not into country music singin', mullet wearin' possum eatin' people, so who knew he could have such a talented pop star of a daughter. cute show, upcoming talent and only 13 years old.
I LISTEN… to NPR (National Public Radio). After years in the music business, I can hear a song in 10 seconds and decide if i like it or not. I still can't tell if it will be a hit (spin wise) because I actually have taste and 99.9 percent of America doesn't. So there is not a lot on the radio worth listening to right now. I can tolerate Beyonce, Puddle of Mudd, and guess what! Bjork's new album is coming and she has Timbaland on there! should be wild.
IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS… I would pay off all bills, but not the house. there is no reason to waste your cash when you can invest elsewhere. I would probably get a boat and fish for a 2 weeks in the Keys and Bahamas.
I WANT… money. nuff said.
I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT… My scritchy animals. those who know me, know what that means.
I'M OBSESSED… with Chick Lit. Humorus Literature written by females. Love all the classics : Nanny Diaries, Devil wears Prada, Bitter is the New Black, You'll never Nanny in this town again (true story!)
I FEAR… My kids will get seriously ill, I will be fat, I will be homeless, I won't get another paycheck...
I WISH… I could just be happy.
I ONCE ACCIDENTALLY… stuck my foot in my mouth. although it wasn't once.. it seems to be an ongoing problem!
I NEVER… want my kids to do drugs, or get sick, or be poor.
I’D KILL TO… have Nicole Ritchie's body. I know it's sad. but then I could eat what I wanted for about 5 years and then be up to a normal weight.
I MISS… My family in Baltimore. and fitting into my skinny jeans.
I'M LOATHE TO ADMIT… that I have A.D.D. I hate Kenny reminding me of stuff that I forgot to do during the day.