Too Finicky For My Own Good

The first day of my self-depreciating life... that should be a song!

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Thank. God. Christmas. Is. Over.

Yes I am a scruge. But I don't understand the concept of celebrating the birth of Jesus with maxing credit cards. Just to keep up with the Jonese. Then of course after you max out cards, you have a blow out on one of your $250 tires. and of course, since the rest of the tires are bald, you have to buy all 4 so they are even. Then a rock hits your windshield for $300 replacement. Then your kitten gets explosive diarhea and is choking on something... trip to the vet $300. I will never be the type that says "how can it get any worse?" because as soon as you say that, it does.

Life is grande. weeeee.


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