So as cute as the kitten is, she has major diarrhea (sp?) . it's everywhere. In the pantry. on the walls, in the tub, on her feet. I took away the soft food and gave her just dry. didn't help. My fingernails are gone because of the bleach. And my 13 year old has his various friends spend the night almost every night now that they are out of school for christmas so I have to explain to them why the house smells so bad. It's embarrassing. They will go home and tell their parents "Tanner's house smells.. and there is poop everywhere, all his mom does is clean" Then their mom's will sprend rumors all over the neighborhood that we have some sort of digestive problem in the family. and no housekeeper. I think we are the only ones in Destin that actually mow their own lawn and do our own housework. Oh the Shame! But it's the price we pay (or don't pay!) to live on the beach. Our neighbor actually paid a company to put up their christmas lights while they went to Hawaii. (Hi Sam!). Must be nice. I am green with envy. I would throw eggs at their house but they are such nice people. 

On another note - here is Logan (5 yrs) at the computer. At his age I could barely spell my name on my library card. He can read, write, use the remote to record Hannah Montana... the boy is a wiz. Or maybe all kids these days are that smart. I don't know. Here he is hacking into Disney.com.
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